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We believe that children are our future.
At Earth’s Kids we believe that children are our
future. Their creativity, values, and choices will shape our society and
create waves of impact that may some day be felt all over the planet —
perhaps for centuries to come. It's up to us help them make that impact
a positive one. (See:
Can Change the World )
We work with children, directly and through
the materials on our website, to teach them to value themselves, the
environment, and their connection to all living things. An important
part of our focus is to help young people understand the power that they
possess to do good, and to connect them with opportunities to get
involved with important causes and volunteer their time to help with
issues in their community and abroad.
But we
are also especially passionate about the need to get kids back out into
nature! The emphasis of the EK KIDS CLUB is on connecting kids with positive experiences with nature and wild spaces through fun and informal family activities.
A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that kids who spend more time in nature are healthier, more mentally focused, and happier! And we also know that kids who love and value nature are more likely to grow up to be adults who value and safeguard wild spaces and wild creatures. Our Earth's Kids KIDS
program seeks to help families connect with nature and wild
spaces. To learn more about
this, and about how you can start a local chapter,
click here.
Finally, we know
that right now world events are setting the stage for the challenges our
children will face as adults,
and for the quality of life they will enjoy, or endure. So we at Earth’s
Kids are committed to networking with educators, scientists,
activists, and other community leaders to share information, take
action, and positively shape the world that
our children will inherit. We hope you will
join us.

Earth's Kids KIDS CLUB

Global Climate Change: Facing the Challenge for Earth's Children
Global climate change looms as one of the major crises of
our times. But unlike war, disease, and pollution global warming
and other aspects of drastic climate change threatens to create a change so sudden and so devastating to our
economies, our food base, and even to the availability of habitable
land, that it outstrips all threats save the nuclear holocaust we
struggled successfully to prevent in decades past.
We stand now at a critical junction in history,
where choices still remain to us, and a significant impact can still be
It is not too late to change the trajectory we are
on, to affirm and protect life. To think and act with compassion, for
ourselves and our fellow creatures.
The time is now to take action on behalf of our
children, on behalf of all of the Earth's children...
Visit the Earth's Kids
Global Warming
special feature page to learn more about this critical environmental
problem, and about what we all can do to help. Remember that as
parents and educators we are role models for our children. Taking
daily action to do our part -- whether it's recycling, cutting
down on gasoline and electricity consumption, conserving water, or growing part of
our own food -- all helps our children to understand the importance of
making responsible choices for a healthier world.
Ocean Conservation Is One Of The Key Factors Determining
Our Children's Future
You might be surprised to discover how important
the health of our oceans are to our own well-being. To learn more visit
the Earth's Kids Marine Science Page.
From producing seafood and
producing oxygen to regulating the temperature and weather, the ocean
plays a powerful role in all our lives. And the vast array of
creatures that live in our oceans are a source of wonder and delight to
people of all ages. Prudent stewardship of our ocean resources is
critical to our wellbeing and those of future generations.
But our global
fisheries are in trouble. Learn more about it from our friends at
the PEW Environment Group:
Poverty and Famine Wreak Unbelievable Hardship Among
...And also on the environment, as humans
scramble to provide for their needs in the face of climate change and
political instability. But what can we do? Thankfully there are reputable
and highly effective groups tackling this problem, in our communities
and abroad, who have the experience and means to make a difference.
But they need our support. Share what you can.
Pray. Volunteer. Spread the word to friends and community members. To
learn more about the hunger problem and how we can help, visit:
Earth's Kids: Ending
World Hunger

We look forward to meeting and sharing resources
and information
with educators, scientists, activists, and most of all... KIDS!
The Importance of
Building Community
Our most effective tools in creating change for
children are compassion and community. From compassion comes our
will to act. And from community comes our power to take action.
Together we can share information and creativity and shape solutions
that work for all of us. But just as important, by forming
communities -- not just of shared residence, but of shared purpose -- we
give our children the experience of belonging to a larger group, a group
that cares for them, values them and works to support them. And this in
turn helps them learn to work together with others. It also boosts their
self-esteem, confidence, and initiative.
We urge parents to seek out this experience, for your own well being
and that of your children. Seek out play-groups, co-op schools,
nurturing church or spiritual groups, and other volunteer dependent
organizations that will join with you and your child in making positive
change at the small group level. We think you will find this experience
empowering, and slightly addictive! And we believe that it will become a
beacon to you and your children, convincing you that we can make
significant change in our communities, and also showing you how it can
get done, with wisdom, compassion, and humanity.
We know that working together with compassionate concern, we can make a
significant and lasting difference for all of Earth's Children.
Build community! Celebrate community!
For further reading:
Be sure to
check the Earth's Kids
News & Updates page each time you visit
so you can find out
What's New

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